Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Long lines don't matter

Did you see all the people out there today?  Today showed the tenacity of the American people.  This is one of the rare moments when American citizens come together collectively for a common good.  Citizens both young and old all across the country withstood bad weather, strong winds, and blazing heat with a calming perseverance.  Without so much as a flinch supporters of both the left and the right patiently shuffled forward as they inched closer and closer in order to exercise their right to vote.  People have come out in record breaking numbers just to stand up for what they believed in.  The great founders of this nation, the founders of our Constitution, and the people who died to guarantee every American citizen the right to vote would be extremely proud if they could see the number of people who have come out today.  Even though this presidential debate has been nothing short of a media circus, popularity contest, and an all-out verbal brawl between the two finalists, it has all proven to be well worth it because it got people's attention.  It got people talking about politics outside of the office, outside of the classroom, and outside of the break room.  Politics has become the normal topic of discussion on the basketball courts, on the playground, and even in the bedroom.  Even I talk about politics more than I ever have in my life.  I've learned more about politics and what's going on in the world around me concerning trade, the economy, and the war just this year than I have in all my previous years combined.  The idea of "Change" couldn't be more accurate.  This presidential debate has changed my thought process.  I care.  I care about my economy situation.  I care about the oil crisis.  I care about the state of emergency that our education system is in.  I care because I now understand.  And I owe most of that understanding to how adamant the media has been with bringing these topics to life due to the election.