Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama leading by two states...

It's almost 6 p.m. Tuesday night and according to the nytimes.com, Obama has the lead by two states: Indiana and New Hampshire, and McCain is leading Kentucky. In Mississippi, the polling stations close at 8 p.m., so if you haven't voted yet, now is the time to go do it!

Voters are saying the most important issue is the country's instable economy and some are saying it's the war in Iraq. The article also said "that it was unclear whether young people were turning out in greater numbers this year than in past elections."

"Preliminary figures from exit polls indicated that voters under 30 and first-time voters made up the same share of the electorate this year as they did in 2004," according to the New York Times.

To me that's shocking and disappointing. Our generation is the future of this world and we are suppose to care, but instead we are lazy and high-maintenance. It seems like Generation Y is slowly evolving into Generation Who?