Friday, October 31, 2008

The Terminator and the "real" hero

John McCain has been spending a lot of time in the swings states due to their influence during election day. While making rounds in Ohio, the McCain campaign team is also placing emphasis on Pennsylvania. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger gave a speech at a John McCain party in Columbus, Ohio. Schwarzenegger (also know n as the “Governator”) filled his speech with a mix of jokes with praise for the presidential candidate of the republican party. According to, one of the more clever jokes Schwarzenegger told was regarding Halloween back in his home state of California. He said he had just gotten off the phone with his wife, Maria Shriver, and he had asked her what candy she was giving out to the trick-or-treaters. She replied candy, cookies, M&Ms and an apple. In response to variety of candy Shriver was given out, the California governor stated “Typical liberal give away.” As a former body builder, Schwarzenegger also poked fun of McCain’s opponent Barrack Obama suggesting he may need to do something to tone up his frail and skinny figure such as bicep curls or squats. After making smart comments dealing with Obama’s physique, Schwarzenegger then stated the McCain is “built like a rock.” One of the most excellent points that was made about McCain was the fact that he served longer in POW camp that Obama has served in the United States senate. In regards to Schwarzenegger’s past movie characters, he stated that in the past he has played superheroes but claims that Senator McCain is the “real” hero.

Does it really Matter?

I have always been against voting for someone based merely on their reputation. Instead, I think you should vote for a person based on what they believe and what their actions have and will be.  However, this election has challenged that notion.

Today I was reading The Economist's pick for president. They endorsed Obama, and in their explanation they noted that Obama's reputation at home and abroad would be beneficial. They even mentioned that the fact that his middle name of Hussein would help relations with the Middle East. 

At one point, I would have dismissed these reasonings as completely irrelevant. I would have said that the fact that the French and the Germans like Obama should not influence Americans' decisions at home. However, now, I think this does have relevance. A president has to deal with other countries, and what that president's name means to foreign countries is important. Now, I do not think this, by any means, should be a crucial factor for anyone's decision-making. The most important remains what a person believes and what they have and will do. But I do think it is interesting how something that I thought was so irrelevant, like someone's reputation, has become something that I now believe to be relevant.

WDI Session in Europe Now Full

The World Debate Institute affiliated program the International debate Academy Slovenia is now full. We have every room in the Hotel Ormoz full and even some additional spaces. Thanks to everyone who has shown such great support for the program. We are at our limit for the instructional part of the program. We are proud that so many have recognized us as the premier Worlds format training program on the globe.

But there is still an opportunity for you to join us and be part of what we are doing. There are lots of spots open for the tournament component of the program. The tournament will be a full service event hosted at the Faculty of Law in Maribor, Slovenia. The program will begin afternoon of 28 and continue until 30 November 2008. Join us for a vigorous and economical tournament. We will offer housing, meals and complete tournament entry fees for 50 Euros per person.

We offer great judging, featuring our remarkable faculty, including:
  • Loke Wing Fatt, Singapore: Well known Asian debate trainer, WUDC breaking judge, honorary professorship North-Eastern University China, SAID Singapore, 4th IDAS.
  • Jens Fischer, Germany: Berlin Debating Union, Chief Adjudicator at Europeans, 3rd IDAS.
  • Sam Greenland, UK/Hong Kong/Australia: WUDC semifinalist for Sydney, Hong Kong world schools coach, 3rd IDAS.
  • Steve Llano, USA: Professor at St. John’s University NY, NE USA Director of the Year, USA National Champion coach, 3rd IDAS.
  • Branka Marusic, Croatia: President Europeans Council, IDAS Finalist, 2nd IDAS.
  • Rhydian Morgan, UK: Chief Adjudicator and Finals judge at numerous tournaments, Welsh Debating Federation, World Debate Institute faculty 2008, 2nd IDAS.
  • Debbie Newman, UK: Past president of Cambridge Union, England & Wales National Champion, former Director of Centre for Speech & Debate at English-Speaking Union, England World Schools coach and WSDC world champion coach.
  • Alfred Snider, USA: Professor at University of Vermont, Director World Debate Institute, USA USA Coach of the Year, six recent debate textbooks, 6th IDAS.
  • Bojana Skrt, Slovenia: Director ZIP, thrice WSDC EFL Champion coach, 6th IDAS.

Book your spot at the tournament now. There are cheap flights to Graz, Austria via Ryanair and other options, with an easy train connection to Maribor.

For more information contact Bojana Skrt at Bojana can help you with travel arrangements.

The form to apply for the tournament is at

The general website is at

See you in Maribor at the tournament!

Spoiled Candy

For little kids, Halloween may be the most-awaited holiday with it's promise of delicious goodies with the insurance of cavities, but for the nation is this Halloween a trick or a treat?  The ball of power will soon be dropped into the hands of a new man; however, whoever the candidate may be whether he will  have a good effect on our nation as a whole has yet to be seen.  With the day of reckoning approaching, both candidates are striving to prove harder than ever that they are the "right man" for the job of President of the United States. 
Like sucking on an unexpected lemon drop in your bag of treats, there is a aura of uncertainty that surrounds both Obama and McCain campaign.  

Obama has a very questionable background.  There's the possibility he could be a Marxist (he was taught law by Marxist professors), which strangely enough has yet to pop up in the mainstream media.  In 2004, he adamantly stated that he had no plans of running for the presidency.  Oh, and he may sweet talk his way out his church scandal, but he attended a blatantly racist church for years led by Reverend Jerimiah Wright.  Quite frankly, Rev. Wright has frightening ambitions which make me uneasy.  I know...I watched his interviews.  Not to mention, Obama's own vice presidential candidate said himself that Obama as President in the midst of a foreign crisis would be horrendous for the nation. 

Now moving on to McCain.  My main problem with John McCain is his flip flopping on issues of national importance.  My concerns lie with the fact that he is no longer the same McCain who fought on issues not because he was appealing to public favor, but that he was genuinely focused on what is best for the public interest.  He wants the vote, but he's changed his personality and goals from what that were four years ago.  

I don't know about you, but contemplating this upcoming election gives me a queasy stomach.  Maybe it's the spoiled candy that we, as a nation, will soon be consuming?   

Insecure, Barack?

According to a report, three newspaper reporters have been booted from Barack Obama's plane in the final days leading up to the election. What's so newsworthy about this? That the three papers, the Washington Times, the New York Post, and the Dallas Morning News, have all publicly endorsed John McCain.

Apparently, the Obama camp claims that they "didn't have enough seats available on the plane."

This is just stupid to me. Is there really that much insecurity, Barack? I know you've already guaranteed victory and all, but come on.

Way to completely alienate reporters who have covered your campaign since January. High class I tell ya. High class.

Can TV Ads Solve Our Economic Woes?

Have we dug our pit of financial problems too deep to get out? That is what the New York Times was asking America on Tuesday. According to the times, it seems we are in a lose-lose situation for economic growth in America. Their article says neither candidate has provided enough evidence they will solve the nation’s financial problems. As the article suggests, both candidates have not given enough detail on spending programs and tax cuts funding. I agree. As this has been a time of campaigning, many economic plans have been blanket statements that are very vague, but just informative enough to get votes. The article concluded Obama’s economic policies will have less of a negative impact than McCain’s and that McCain will just “dig a deeper hole” for the nation’s economy.

But, as Obama unveiled his 30 minute infomercial on Wednesday night, his economic plans became more clear. In fact, it could not be more clear. He even said, “As president, here’s what I will do.” He then summed up his intentions after explaining his plans saying, “none of that grows government, it grows the economy and keeps people on the job, this is what we can do right now.”

However, McCain has fought back, with the Republican strategies team announcing their campaign funds will now be spent on television advertising. The ads will run over the next four days. An article in the Washington Post quotes the Republican team as doing this last minute to get “soft Obama supporters” over their way, especially in the swing vote states. I look forward to seeing McCain’s ads and see how they compare to Obama’s final address to voters. Will he opt for an infomercial as long as Obama’s? Is a 30 minute advertisement really necessary or effective? Will anyone actually watch the entire infomercial and digest all the information?

Besides, is it worth spending the remainder of campaign funds attracting so-called soft Obama supporters? After all, absentee votes are drawing to a close and the election is only four days away. If people have not decided now, they never will and will never bother to vote in this election. This has been called a historic election and has evoked passion into the nation to exercise their democratic rights and vote. A donkey vote does not show passion. People will vote if they believe in their chosen candidate. What I’m getting at is the effectiveness of television ads so close to the election. Give it up boys. The election is upon us. Let the voting begin.
Some of Obama's supporters are nervous that their votes won't be counted. In a Jacksonville Journal article, black voters in Jacksonville, Florida express their concerns that their early votes won't be counted or that something will go wrong on Election Day. One woman said she was "queasy," nervous that the power at the voting centers will cut off that mysteriously the bus system in the minority area of town will somehow shut down in November 4th. For these people interviewed for the artible, this election means everything.

"I feel good, and I don't feel good," one man said. "I'm thankful to God that this is happeneing in my lifetime, that I get to see it. But I'm not ready to celebrate anything. This could be a very tricky time for us. I don't trust the polls. And the state of Florida has had a lot of crooked things going on."

This anciety is stemming from the 2000 election when many votes were lost or thrown out in Duvall County, Florida. It's said that most of these votes were Democratic--leaving the black, mainly-Democratic section of the town worried.

I wonder if this worrying is simply paranoia or if these voters really do have reason to worry. How could votes simply be thrown away during a presidential election in the United States of America? Is our democracy really that flawed or are these voters simply nervous for no reason? I also wonder if these people are worried for all Democratic Party votes or just black, Democratic notes. It'll be interesting to see hwo November 4th goes--if the bus system in Duvall County suddenly shuts down or if the electricity mysteriously turns off.

A Small Trade, Seriously?

Okay admit it, we all have material items that we'd be willing to trade anything for.  A glamorous diamond ring...Tom Cruise's autograph...the original Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone manuscript or perhaps tickets to a Barack Obama rally?  Whatever your heart's desire, don't be fooled by my blog's title. It's hardly any small trade-off that some U.S. citizens will exchange for tickets to Obama's upcoming rally in Chicago's Grant Park.  

Ad's posted on the internet and national newspapers offered deals such as painting all your furniture and offering tutoring lessons for the subject of your choice.  Doesn't sound too bad, right? According to, a college student posted on that he will freely give his Apple Mac computer to anyone willing to offer up their ticket.  It's gets even more outrageous.  Someone is actually wishing to sell their ticket...for no less than 10 trillion dollars. 

I'm positive I didn't pay that much for my car, including insurance, and apartment combined.  Honestly, those folks need to save their money for college tuition.   Of course the most audacious is a California girl's proposal that in exchange for Obama tickets she'll have sex with you.  No comment.    

I suppose it's like the old saying,  "to each his own."  However, for what it's worth, I most assuredly would take the Harry Potter manuscript anyday over Obama tickets.  Otherwise don't expect to find an add selling myself to the public anytime soon. 

The Dreaded Bias

Politico recently discussed the obvious media bias shown during this presidential campaign. The article discussed how the Project for Excellence in Journalism researched the amount of media coverage of the two candidates. The study showed that John McCain had four times as many negative stories than positive stories while Barack Obama had twice as many positive stories as negative ones and half the percentage of negative stories when compared to McCain.
Politico acknowledged that even its own site has been biased towards Obama, but tried to defend their bias by saying that Obama’s campaign has been going well while McCain’s has not. They also stated that one factor of media bias has been the “McCain backlash.” Reporters blame their lack of coverage (or negative coverage) towards McCain on his decisions regarding the media during this campaign. McCain was liked by the media in the past, but his decisions during the campaign to limit the amount of media access and alter his views slightly to fit the GOP views annoyed reporters.
And while most of the public might assume that reporters are rooting for Obama, Politico says that most of its colleagues are not, but instead view him as “distant and undefined.” They believe that a key to his campaign is his ability to “minimize drama and maximize secrecy,” a campaign similar to both of George Bush’s. Additionally, an idea that negative attacks towards contain a racial subtext has kept some controversial issues from being prominent in the media. The reporters also claimed that they are just following the election’s momentum (which obviously must have stayed with Obama for the entire last twenty months based on media coverage).

Thursday, October 30, 2008

One More Surprise.

Word on the street is: the election is over, the results are in, and Obama has won. 

Several articles and polls such as The New York Times survey and The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press  show that Obama is, indeed, ahead in "likely voters." The survey analysts cite that voters' confidence in Obama has grown, while their trust in McCain and Palin has diminished. Journalists have also pointed out that many formerly Republican voters are jumping ship and voting democratic this year.

But I'm not sold yet.

I was out in town today and saw a bumper sticker that I've never seen before. It said, "Democrats for McCain." I never expected to see one, but sure enough, it was there. And as the analysis for the Pew's survey concluded, "Never rule out the unexpected, especially in an election where the unexpected has happened so often."

So, before we are all so convinced that America has already chosen her next president, we should wait until the votes tell us so. So even though the word is that the results are already in, let's slow down a bit. This year's already surprising election may have one more surprise up its sleeve.

Joe the American Hero?

Words fail me as I try to understand America's obsession with the real "Joe the plumber." Samuel J. Wurzelbacher is his name, and his instant celebrity astounds me. After his first moments in the spotlight, I honestly thought he would slip away into anonymity once again. However, just over two weeks after the third presidential debate, his media presence continues. Wurzelbacher has become a twisted representation of the average American. I fail to see why everyone feels it necessary to broadcast his thoughts and feelings across the nation. Yes, he is "average." He is a single, working father with his own business and some tax problems, but in my world that does not give him the right to represent the "average Joe" the candidates seem so willing to relate to.
I honestly don't care that this man has endorsed John McCain, who Wurzelbacher calls "a real American." He has also hired a public relations team from Nashville to represent him, especially since McCain has now started referring to him as his role model and "an American hero." Will someone please explain to me how an unlicensed plumber from Toledo, Ohio has become and American hero for simply questioning Obama's tax policies? I just don't get it.

You Can Vote However YOU Like

Words cannot describe what you are about to witness:

Last Minute Tactics

Yesterday the Democratic camp launched a 30-minute spot for their candidate Barack Obama. The advertisement aired on seven national channels at the same time and featured fragments of Obama with Joe Biden, Obama and Bill Clinton, Obama voters etc.

It was the first time Clinton and Obama confronted a crowd together, and the timing of their appearance yesterday was nothing more than a tactic that the Obama campaign tends to repeat in the next few days. According to an article in the Washington Post a democratic aid said that a central goal of the Democratic camp is to maximize face time on local news broadcasts, and to cover as much ground as possible before the election on Tuesday.
Another aspect that is surprising about the advertisement, besides the appearance of him and Bill Clinton together is that for the first time Obama directly attacks Sarah Palin. In the advertisement Obama raises questions about her capabilities and experience, linking it to McCain's comments during an debate among GOP rivals in November when he said, "I might have to rely on a vice president that I select." The screen in the advertisement then shifts to two words, "His choice?", and a video of Palin speaking and winking.
Obama has for a long time not addressed any direct criticism toward Palin, even though there was a big demand for it from the Democratic camp that feared that Obama wasn’t taking a strong enough stance against the Republican attacks. One might argue that the reason why Obama chose to attack Palin at this point in time, is because of the recent opinion polls that show widespread doubts about Palin’s ability to handle the duties of a Vice President and the Oval Office.
As the article states, the decision to bombard the airwaves on Wednesday and Thursday was grounded in the belief that, by Friday, much of the media coverage will be focused on the horse race. The stories that will be produced from than on will most probably be heavily influenced by the candidates' last-minute travels and actions. David Axelrod, who is Obama’s strategist, said it would have been too late if they would have aired the advertisement on Monday, because by then, the vast majority of voters will have already chosen their candidate.
This sudden move by Obama leaves me wondering how the McCain camp is going to react to this strategy and if they are going to come up with the same type of advertising. I am even more curious to see what surprises both candidates still have up their sleeves for the last few days that remain until Nov. 4. I think we might still be in for a ride, and warning: it could get dirty.

Reaching the Hispanic Population

As the presidential campaign comes to an end, Obama and McCain are scrambling to reach voters in any way to get their support and ultimately their vote. One way that both candidates have done this is by attempting to reach the Hispanic population in the United States.

Barack created a 30-second spot advertisement in Spanish where he actually spoke 65 words in Spanish. He also bought airtime on the Spanish network Univision to have his 30-minute infomercial translated into Spanish. McCain has also had various political advertisements translated to Spanish. With the growing Hispanic population in the U.S. today, it is very important to reach them in a personal way. However, many of the Spanish speaking people in America that are registered to vote speak English fluently and more often than Spanish. Is it condescending or a good idea to try to reach Hispanics by speaking Spanish? Obama definitely did a better job by actually attempting to speak the language rather than just having it translated.

I think that Obama's attempt to reach the Hispanic voters was a strategic move. Hispanic people in the United States have an emerging voice and Obama may be able to capitalize on that. It is important to reach the minority groups, and McCain has do to something more than simply have his advertisements translated to do that. Although English is the national language in the United States, Spanish is becoming more and more prominent in many areas. Obama is making some smart moves. However, John Kerry also attempted to speak Spanish in political advertisements in 2004 and it didn't win him the election.

She hasn't sung yet

Every news broadcaster has some sort of poll they like to flash the viewers. Every poll has a different leader or statistic. Can we really trust these polls? Who are the "likely voters"? Do these news organization really have an unbiased sampling? For example, CNN is seen as the liberal news channel. If they want to show Obama as the leader in the polls, all they have to do is gather a hundred "likely voters" from a traditionally liberal area. The same can be said for Fox, they could gather their statistics from a traditionally republican area. A statistics teacher once told his class "statistics can say anything you want them to." This is so true when it comes to political polls. The so called "key states" have been declared as going to one candidate or the other, then switched, then declared a toss up. No one really knows for sure until the votes are counted next Tuesday. Having a news organization declare a state before the votes have been counted is nothing but rhetoric and spin. We don't need anyone to declare a winner until the people have actually spoken and that will not happen for another 5 days.

Obama's Infomercial

I turned on the television last night and the same program was broadcasted on about 7 network channels: Senator Obama's $3-4 million infomercial. Most big television networks except ABC aired Obama's 30-minute message during prime time, from around 8-9pm.

For the most part, Senator Obama's infomercial portrayed the senator as "all-American," appealing to most all people of all incomes and touching on most every talking point and issue. Many colorful and endearing Americans from the middle class or "falling from the middle class" appeared in the infomercial in order to tell their stories of being hard-hit by the economy and stiff taxes.

Having a message aired during primetime on the top 7 cable television networks provides Senator Obama with such a wide audience reach. Millions of Americans had the opportunity to be exposed to his message, enhancing the senator's ability to reach not only his usual supporters but also voters from all educational backgrounds and level of incomes as television appeals to individuals from all walks of life.

This broad appeal is a great strategy for the end of the election as more and more undecided voters are coming to terms with choosing a final candidate for the presidency.


Why in the world would Obama think going on the air last night was a good idea. Only 20 million viewers tuned in. That might seem like a lot but not when you compare it to any of the debates between him and McCain. Another factor was the timing. Why try to compete against the World Series? Surely he could have switched his time slot, he had enough time to know the game would be going on. Buying a 30 minute time slot to basically do an infomercial didn't work for Ross Perot, so why did he think it was a good idea? It seems like a selfish, desperate reach for attention. So I ask Why? Why would he want to go on national television and babble off his ideas of how to run this country without having any oversight or competition? You know who else does this- Kim Jong Il.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't Stop Believin'

Sen. John McCain could easily be on a comeback. With all the undecided voters (even though I don’t understand how they are still undecided at this point), they could choose to go toward the Republican’s side.
On, a recent article talks about how McCain thinks he can still win. He has had to come from behind in the polls before, so he could very well do it if they keep their campaign going on the right track and show why he is better than Sen. Barack Obama. He shows a good effort toward this as McCain points out that a Republican president should be elected to keep what could be a Democratic Congress in check.
However, if there is no way for McCain to gain in the polls, the Arizona senator should take a role much like Bob Dole did against Bill Clinton. When Dole saw that he would not be able to win the presidential race, he began to hit states where Republicans needed help in congressional races. With Republicans struggling in this department today, McCain may have to do this for “the good of the party.”
I strongly feel that McCain could have a comeback on election night. There are still many states that could change where their polls stand, and if McCain continues to question Obama’s stances, he could be the next president.

Elizabeth Hasselbeck: Two Foxes In One Campaign

Okay, okay, I'll get my head out of the gutter. Barely.

Anyhow, The View's Elizabeth Hasselbeck has jumped onboard the McCain/Palin campaign trail. I have to wonder, she is someone that the majority of American women watch each morning on television. So, could this by chance help the Republican ticket? I honestly don't see how it can hurt. 

And by golly, Elizabeth Hasselbeck is mad! She doesn't like how the media is so overly sexist towards Palin. Remember the last time Hasselbeck was mad? We all know how that turned out against that loud-mouthed liberal Rosie O'Donnell.

Watch out America.....

4UDECOR - Santiago Calatrava

Este foi o primeiro projecto do famouso Arquitecto Santiago Calatrava nos Estados Unidos da América. As fontes e jardins ali existentes contribuiram para o Arquitecto enquadrar o seu projecto tirando o maximo partido da iluminação e da topografia da zona. A sua cor branca com com imuneras aplicações de vidro convidam ao exercicio da mente em busca do sol. A criação desta nova ala do museu em 2001 permitiu aumentar em cerca de 30% o tamanho total do mesmo, bem como o parqueamento para os visitantes. Os 400 metros da ponte Reiman une a parte baixa da cidade de Milwaukee ao Lago Michigan possui na sua extermidade a recepção com uma enorme parabolica em vidro e ferro colocado na vertical que provoca a ilusão do bater das asas resultante do movimento do sol. Esta Galeria possui em exposição mais de 250,000 obras.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You Have Mail...From Barack Obama?!

Who do you keep in touch with most? Who emails you every day or sends you a Facebook message most often? Your best friend? Well sadly enough for me its Barack Obama. Or sometimes Michelle. When I was researching Obama’s education policies for another journalism course I instinctively went to the official Obama website. There, I was asked to join their mailing list. “Sure,” I thought. Couldn’t be any harm, I might even learn a few things. Unfortunately my inbox is now clogged with daily emails from Barack and Michelle.

A press release issued today by the Pew Internet Project highlights the importance of the internet for the 2008 election and especially the Obama campaign. The Pew Internet Project is a non profit “fact tank” that provides information on issues and trends that shape America today. It is a non partisan entity. The release says a record breaking 46 percent of Americans have taken advantage of email alerts and text messages to get their political information before the election. Further, the article suggests Obama supporters have a stronger online presence, than McCain supporters. In a head-to-head match up with internet users who support Republican McCain, Obama’s backers are more likely to get political news and information online (65% vs. 56%). You can read the article through this link Even us, students of JOUR 495 are using the internet to keep up-to-date on news, even if it is opinion based. The internet has become a way for people to be personally involved in the election. I sure know that without this blog I wouldn't keep as in touch with election news.

So by signing up for the Obama mailing list, although I was once kept nicely informed, it is now annoying. In fact I don’t even find myself reading them anymore, because I know they will be a PR stunt more than informative. I prefer to stick to newspaper sites rather than rely on Obama to give me bias news...although I don't even know what is truth in the media these days!

What Are They Trying To Hide?

While watching and reading the news tonight, I became more and more curious about the videotape the LA Times is refusing to release. The tape is of Senator Obama giving a toast at a dinner party honoring Rashid Khalidi, "an internationally known scholar, critic of Israel and advocate for Palestinian rights," according to the LA Times. In his toast, per the Times article, Obama praises and advocates the works of Khalidi. This completely contradicts the pro-Israel stance he now holds. The refusal to release this tape seems to be another example of liberal news media bias. The LA Times not showing the tape actually ends up having a greater negative impact on myself as a voter. It makes me wonder what the newspaper is trying to hide about Obama, and makes me once again question who he is a person, and if he is someone I would be proud to have leading my country. 


So, the same clever phrase that once made beer sales soar is now being used as a political advertisement. Really, what has American politics come to?

In a campaign ad supporting Barrack Obama, the once popular “whasssuuuuuup” has been brought back to life. The same man who created the idea for the popular Budweiser commercial that debuted in 1999 has used his copyright on the phrase to apply it to politics. The ad features four men, each suffering from a problem America faces today—unemployment, injury, fighting in the war in Iraq and the plummeting economy. The men greet each other with the well-known “whasuuuupp” for the majority of the commercial, and at the end, one of them is watching Obama and Michele on a beat-up old television and says, “Change. That’s whassup.”

Personally, I think that any campaign tool that was used to sell alcohol should NOT be used to sell a presidential candidate. Sure it’s great that Charles Stone III—the creator of the phrase and the concept—is involved in politics. And yes, it’s clever to use a popular advertising technique from the past. However, the decision of who our next president will be for the next four years is one of, if not the most important decision of this century. The thought that this crucial decision is being linked to the advertising of beer somewhat disturbs me.

Media harps on Palin

There has been a lot of commotion recently about Sarah Palins clothes. According to The LA Times, “the RNC coughed up a whopping $150,000 to outfit/accessorize Palin and her family for the campaign trail.” Spending thousands of dollars at places like Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Barney’s and even two baby clothing stores.
Really? With the huge financial crisis going on, the media harps on Palin’s clothes. What people don’t realize is that all the clothes purchased for Palin and her family will go to a charity after the campaign. There has been a lot of speculation on why the media continues to cast Palin into the spotlight. If Palin was a man would we really care about where the clothes were purchased or how much they cost? We haven’t in the past and it’s pretty sexist to discuss Palin’s attire.

Bailout of the Future? Part II

In the words of Marty McFly from the movie Back to the Future, "This is heavy!"

In the blog precursing to this, I addressed the bleak aspect of the economy's fate. But what about "us" as individuals? What about us in the general college bracket of 18-25?

The best advise that I have gotten from my teachers is simple and to the point. Stay in school! With the economy and stock market in a constant state of flux, The best thing for students in college to do in order to insure a financially secure future is to focus on building our qualifications for the job market. Get a degree that will get you somewhere in life. Go further and get a Master's that will push you above the crowd. And by all means, find good, quality internships. I'm not talking about working at McDonalds or Burger King for the summer. I'm talking about something that will strengthen you in your career path. This all may sound redundant but its true.

With financing almost impossible, the homeowning market slowing to a hault, corporations going bankrupt, and a constant increase in cost of living; it is time to hold our ground as individuals to determine our own fate. Think smart. Build a better future. Stay in school!

Obama = SCARY

Barack Obama's links to former terrorist Bill Ayers, among others, scares me. Obama claims that Ayers was "simply a neighbor," that he wrote a newspaper story about, and that he wasn't aware of Ayers terrorist connections or his plot to blown up the Capitol Building in D.C.. Now, if a known terrorist were your neighbor, don't you think you'd know??
Another thing that scares me about Obama is that the middle eastern terrorist organization Hamas, has said that if Obama wins on Nov.4th, they would write Obama a letter of congratulations, and tell him what he needed to do to get America's reputation good again. Just the fact that a terrorist organization wants to congratulate Obama as the winner is frightening enough. Furthermore, he is willing to sit down with Iran's president Akmadinajad without pre conditions, and that is RIDICULOUS!! Obama is willing to meet with a man that once said Israel should be blown off the face of the earth, and just sit and chat.
Now, I don't about you, but I don't want my president to even be rumored to be associated with a terrorist group, or to be meeting with them. Barack Obama scares me, bottom line. 

Spread the Wealth?

The fact that this country is in an economic crisis, is scary enough, but to me, an Obama/Biden presidency would be scarier. What scares me is that Barack Obama wants to even the wealth distribution in the country, which sounds A LOT like socialism to me. He wants the wealthiest to pay the  most taxes, and to give their hard earned money to the crack head on the side of the street that is too messed up to hold down a job. He wants to give money to the single woman that has gotten pregnant 4 times by 4 different men, that is too lazy to get a job. He wants to give money to the lazy, that think "Ah I'll just lay around and let the government take care of me." I'M sorry, but I don't think that I am responsible for their well being. 
My parents work hard to support our family, just like millions of others do. And millions of families DO NOT have the extra cash laying around to fund some welfare program like Obama intends to do. This is America, the land of opportunity- there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for anyone to need to be funded by the government. We are all given the equal opportunity to get an education, and a job. Most states offer scholarships to instate schools, if you can't get that, the government gives away money each year to those that need it in the form of grants. I'm sorry that there are people out there that don't have an education, and can't find work, but that's their own fault. I'm not responsible for their life or their families, only they are!  

Election Polls...are they skewed?

Lately, all you see about the election is the wide variation present in each poll. There are about 10 or 12 different polls. Some polls are done by CBS, NBC, NYT, Gallup and Rasmussen. Whether the polls are conducted by individual pollsters or another group the end result is a large discrepancy between these poll’s results. Some results will show Barack Obama up by 13 points while others show him up only by 4 or 5 points. This begs the questions:

- How are these polls conducted?
- Who conducts these polls?
- How is their sampling statistically accurate?

The concerns people have about these polls are as follows:
- Over sampling of individuals who are pro or con one side. Most times you do random sampling but people are claiming that they are over sampling areas that are mostly populated in favor of one side.
- There is a pre-bias of the people doing the polling. Fore example: The New York Times has come out and said they are for Obama, so obviously their polls are going to reflect the candidate they are supporting.

So how is a person supposed to get a sense of what polls to pay attention to if they are so skewed. Apparently in order to get a much better sense of who is ahead in the presidential race you would take the highest poll and the lowest poll for either candidate and just throw those numbers out. Then take the remaining numbers and average them.

Some people put more weight on the independent groups that aren’t affiliated with anyone because theoretically there isn’t any biased there.

The important thing as a voter is to choose a candidate that reflects your values and don’t let the statistics of polls sway your vote.

In response. . .

In response to the statement below me, I think I may have the answer, although it might not be what I or the person below me wants to hear or come to terms with: McCain may NOT be the best candidate. Although Obama, in the times that I have watched him in action on television, does come across to me as seeming more capable and more presidential than his competitor, there has always been a part of me that is hoping that McCain will suddenly turn on, and shoot Obama out of the water. This is my hope for a variety of reasons, the first and foremost being the difference of opinion between Obama and McCain on taxation. However, even though that is the point that to me, will affect my family and I the most personally, there are other issues affecting me both directly and indirectly that I am in agreeance with Obama. Bottom line? If everyone is still searching for a reason to vote for McCain. . . .they probably shouldn't. 

An Interesting Conundrum

While watching the news pundits over the past few days discussing what each candidate needs to do within the next week to secure the election, I was struck by one thing. When asked what McCain would have to accomplish to win the presidency, nearly every journalist and their guests said the same thing: "He must show the American people that he is the more experienced, smarter candidate to lead their nation, something he has failed to do up to this point." The last part of this constantly heard mantra is what gets me. Everyone agrees that McCain has to show people he's the best leader, and everyone agrees he has not done this. So, my question is, how does he do it?! People keep complaining that McCain has not done this and not done that when the real question is how do they expect him to do it? What does the country want McCain to say or do to change their minds about him? Obviously, there is no clear answer to this. If it was as simple as the statement "he hasn't shown people he's the best to lead yet, and he's had so many chances," then McCain and his campaign would have figured out exactly how to show the American people this.  

As the Market Rises, So Do McCain's Numbers?

I had a friend make the point today that as the market slowly rises, so does John McCain's polling numbers. I took a look to confirm this point and interestingly enough, the point merits discussion. Today, the market surged on Wall Street and pushed the Dow up 900 points. At the same time, I look at the latest Gallup poll and indeed, John McCain's numbers have slightly started to increase.

It makes you wonder though, do the American people hold the Republicans solely responsible for the economy's short-comings? Evidently they do. 

What this really points out is that voters just may feel more inclined to McCain's economic policy, especially if the market continues to rise.

Bailout of the Future?

In the words of Dr. Emmett Brown from the movie Back to the Future, "GREAT SCOTT!"

The government's a landmark $700 billion bank bailout on October 3, I've had alot of time to watch the continued lack of effectiveness and a still faultering economy.

To be honest the U.S. is not really in a position to rescue bankrupt companies. The fact of the matter is that it is itself bankrupt. And just as the financial industry has been an enabler of consumer deficit spending, foreign governments have enabled the U.S. government to spend more than it brings in, by buying up U.S. debt. Foreign countries now own more than half of U.S. debt, compared with 5 percent 20 years ago. The biggest outside holder of U.S. debt is China.

A $700 billion bailout only scratchs the surface of our debt. We cannot continue to grow, based on borrowing against the future. The domestic finance is lack, and our foreign enablers are picking up on it. The economy will sqeeze, our standard of living will decline, and more people will become poor and unemployed. Unfortunetally, we're in for tough times and the road is rough ahead.

My first absentee ballott

On a mid-morning Friday, I received my first absentee ballott. To some it might not be a landmark occassion, but for me it's my first time to vote for the president of the United States. While opening my stuffed envelope, I realized that my one vote can possibly help pull our country out of it's rutt. It's a pretty cool feeling to know that your single vote can shape and affect our country's doubtful future

Getting back to the ballott, for those of you who have never seen one, your not missing much. It's an orange color and is made out of thick paper. The envelope it's in is stuffed with a handful of papers like "How To" directions, forms and mailing envelopes. The ballott lists a slew of candidates from all parties, including former Green party candidate and now Independent pick Ralph Nader.

It also lists U.S. Senate candidates Roger Wicker and Ronnie Musgrove, an area I need to do a smidge more research on. Bottom line, Musgrove didn't do so hot when he was governor of the state of Mississippi, so why is he good nominee for Congress?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Somewhat Unrelated but Interesting Note

Right now I am currently reading American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld, who is also the author of the acclaimed novel Prep. American Wife loosely details the life of one of America's most notorious first women THE current First Woman, Laura Bush. It is very interesting reading Laura Bush's biography and seeing the parallels between the Laura Bush in reality versus the fictional character. However, the most interesting aspect of the novel is the portrayal of "Chas", based on W himself. Up until now, I have viewed George as a very one-dimensional man, an object of my intense dislike and disrespect based on his poor policies and impulsive actions. However, seeing him through the eyes of a talented and insightful writer helps me to look past the public persona and separate him as a person from his as a leader, leading me to conclude that maybe he's not as bad as I thought. I highly recommend the book!

The Blame Game

A lot of folks, Democrats and Republicans alike, are trying to pin McCain's lagging numbers on a certain hockey mom who has been recently thrust into the limelight. While this is predictable, given the controversy surrounding the choice of Palin as McCain's running mate, I still feel that it is unfair. Hasn't this woman been through enough without also being faulted as McCain's downfall in the 2008 Presidential race? If I recall correctly, McCain was already suffering at the hands of Obama supporters well before vice-presidential nominees were announced, and I feel that his bringing Palin on board was a vital move in trying to keep his sinking ship AFLOAT by winning over more liberal-minded and/or female voters. So now, the cure becomes the curse. Just something to think about. 

LET’S ROCK! the vote

Last weekend I went to a music festival in New Orleans. The festival (Voodoo fest) can best be described as three days of good music, nice weather, pricy food, an eclectic mass of people, and politics. Leaving the festival grounds last night, more than ever before I felt how the election is now ruling the nation.

What started of as any other concert/festival, soon turned in to some kind of political rally, with almost every single artists talking about the election. November 4th is getting closer everyday and I know this election is probably one of the most important elections is American history, but what I do not get is that even on ‘neutral grounds’ like a music festival, people are trying to talk about politics and in a subtle or, more often, not so subtle way are trying to sell a candidate to their audience.

I acknowledge the importance of political awareness and I think that it is good that these artists, that so many people are looking up to, are underlining the importance of voting. The thing that bothered me, however, was that most of them didn’t leave it at a simple ‘you need to vote’, but that they felt the need to reinforce a candidate on the public. And, if it would have been a mixed endorsement for both candidates then maybe it wouldn’t have come across as such a big deal. However, this wasn’t the case. Every artist that called out for a certain candidate to win talked about the same person. And even though this is the same person I am ruling for, even to me it felt inappropriate and just simply too much.

A music festival should be about music, not about politics. With almost every artist bringing up the election and their favorite candidate, they however turned the festival into a political gathering. Politics and the election are already consuming our lives. Let’s keep them out the door when we try to find distraction.

"Gossip Girl" Supports Obama

“Gossip Girl,” the hottest TV show on CW, has released a Public Service Announcement that promotes a "McCain-Free America." Stars of the show Penn Badgley and Blake Lively display a “Drill Baby Drill McCain-Palin 08” hat, and then tell young voters to talk to their parents before it is too late. The commercial was made in conjunction with “The Partnership for a McCain-Free America” and directed by Doug Liman, the director of “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” and “The Bourne Identity.”

By comically mimicking the drug-free and sex-education ads of '90s TV shows such as “Saved By the Bell,” “Clueless” and “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” Gossip Girl stars are able to present a serious topic in an attention grabbing way. Although I have a difficult time taking this ad seriously, it is a noteworthy action for young celebrities to promote political conversations. Though their opinion may not mean much to you or I, for many young voters this ad maybe the push they need to do research on the candidates and the issues they promote.

Nevertheless, it is rather disappointing when I realize that most of my sorority sisters would rather watch Gossip Girl than one of the Presidential Debates. Our society has gotten to a point where we praise celebrity more than ingenuity or intelligence, which is why we have elevated our politicians to celebrity status. If I could produce my own PSA it would not tell young voters to "vote for Barack Obama before it's too late," but instead it would tell young people to "Read a newspaper. Discuss the issues. Watch the debates."

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

After the overwhelming support from this country for Barack Obama I am still confused as to why most Americans are voting for him. I was very willing and even ready to be converted, but could never get anyone to tell me what their legitimate reasons were for him to earn their vote. I heard… he is the “Change” we need in this country, he is going to take this country places, he is going to solve the economic problem, and even, he is going to bring our soldiers home. I wanted something concrete and more facts. I wanted to see numbers. I know right now he is the trend but there is a reason why people call things trends. They come quickly and go out even quicker then they come in. I don’t know about anyone else but if people as crazy as Madonna and Paris Hilton have his support I am going to immediately be skeptical. Now I know there are people out there that can list his every campaign platform but I have just yet to come across that person.


"I am glad, though, that she brought up accessories also. Let me tell you a little bit about a couple of accessories, didn't think that we would be talking about it, but my earrings — I see a Native Americans for Palin poster," she said. "These are beaded earrings from Todd's mom who is a Yupik Eskimo up in Alaska, Native American, Native Alaskan.
"And my wedding ring, it's in Todd's pocket, 'cause it hurts sometimes when I shake hands and it gets squished," she continued. "A $35 wedding ring from Hawaii that I bought myself and 'cause I always thought with my ring it's not what it's made of, it's what it represents, and 20 years later, happy to wear it. And then finally the other accessory, you bet I'm a gold — I'm a blue star mom. I'm wearing this in honor of my son who is fighting over in Iraq right now defending all of you."

This is a clip from from Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's speech in Tampa Florida tonight. She prefaced this rattling off of sentimental accessories saying that the whole wardrobe thing is sexist and being blown way out of proportion. If you have ever been in a Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue then you know that $150,000 total is nothing but a drop in the hat for the people shopping there. Yes this is contrary to her down home-everyday mom portrayal but as everybody has experienced $100 here and $50 there adds up in a hurry. Yes $150,000 is more than most people make in a year but seriously sometimes you need to dress the part. If you are fighting for the Vice Presidency of all people I hope you are wearing quality clothes from Neimans or Saks. Now my father would disagree with this statement but that's because clothes aren't his thing. Talk hunting gear and you can start the tab as far as he's concerned. So if she bought some camo he might justify it. Anyway the point is the woman needed to look the part and thrift store clothing wouldn't cut it so she and her family got new clothes. Is this really interesting enough to be splashed on the pages of CNN and Fox? Not in my opinion..but I do hope the're cute.

McCain and Obama neck and neck

657,000 more democrats than republicans registered in Florida. Obama drew a huge crowd in Florida last week. About 21% of people's opinion of Obama had approved over the last few weeks due to the debates. There seems to be a very split opinion of the candidates. 28% say McCain spends a lot of time attacking his arrival. In Missouri John McCain said he will cut taxes while Obama will not. 51% think Obama will raise and 53% think McCain will raise. John McCain thinks it will be the undecided voter that breaks in the last 24 hours in the election. 23% of voters say McCain has gotten worse and many think it is due to attacking Obama in speeches. It seems to be a very split decision. McCain has been spending a lot of time in Missouri and Pennsylvania in hopes to sweep those battleground states. CBS news says that John McCain and Obama are running neck and neck in Missouri. In 1990 whoever won Missouri went on to the white house and now it seems to be a different story. This will be a neck and neck election. 

I called one of my friends who works closely with McCain on his campaign in D.C. to discuss with her the affects of the most recent polls on the moral of the headquarters. After she gave me a long description of what major states he needed to win in order to win the election she then proceeded to describe the atmosphere around her. She started by saying she felt like it was a sinking ship. To me having a member of John McCain’s campaign committee compare everyone’s moral to a sinking ship was not a promising thing. She followed her statement by saying everyone was just really down about the polls and the reaction from the last debate. She said he (Senator McCain) needed to have a “slam dunk” debate in order to stay in the running and it was perceived by the media to be sub-par at best. Not that the media, for the most part, would be giving him rave reviews.

When I hung up I began thinking, if someone is going to put that much work into something then they might as well finish on a high note. I felt that if the Senator and everyone else who worked under him already felt the loss coming then they were definitely going to loose. I think he should fight the good fight and push forward full steam ahead. I would expect both candidates, who are fixing to sign their lives over to the United Stated of America, to at least give a full effort to become the President. I think Senator McCain needs to give everyone in his campaign a big pep talk.

Being an avid watcher of the Today show I have listened to hosts Kathy Lee and Hoda beg for the election to be over already saying that there aren't too many undecided voters left out there. My sentiments exactly. If you haven't decided who your going to vote for then what have you been doing for the past few months? Unless you were climbing some far away mountain in the middle of no where you must have enough information to decide who you want to vote for. If not... you can either go with the favored team or the underdog much like betting on a football game. No I am not comparing the relevance of one of the most historic and pivotal elections to betting on a football game but you've got to pick a side sometimes and now is as good of time as any. My advice..look at the records, look at the running mate, and decide who you want the face of our nations government to be. McCain and Obama are different in most every aspect of their beliefs and plans to put into action in January. Aside from that here's an idea; with the economy in more pieces than tinker toys and more bad days foreseen, what if we said no to all the superfluous things that come with vying for the Presidency?Elaborate campaigns with TV commercials, huge benefits and all the other campaign things that are just extras need to be downsized considerably. The money that would have been raised for campaigning could go towards the national deficit or any of the other areas that desperately need funds. Now this wont happen because people don't just donate the big money out of the goodness of their hearts they donate with purpose and strategy. That aside..not a bad idea in hindsight...and I guess most ideas in hindsight aren't.

The Ship is sinking

Why Barack Obama Will Win

Coming down the stretch I've come to some general conclusions about November's presidential election.

A) Barack Obama will win.

B) The liberal media will tell you why you are an awful person for voting McCain.

C) 90% of the American population who voted for Barack Obama will vote for him without knowing anything about him.

That being said, I give you:

And that ladies and gentlemen is why Barack Obama will win. Not necessarily because he's the right choice, but because he's the most "popular."

New York Obama Times

I find it hard to believe that I'm writing a blog about Sarah Palin and her attire but here I am writing about it. If all liberals have is to attack Governor Palin and the cost of her outfits maybe there the ones that are in trouble.

The New York Times reported front page that her dresses and accessories cost $150,000. Yes, they did. No, Sarah Palin did NOT buy them. She had no clue how much they cost. The Republican National Committee bought them and gave them to her temporarily. The RNC has the right to spend their money anyway they want to, as does the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Furthermore, Sarah Palin's clothes will be given to charity afterwards.

Sarah Palin is kind of a "dang if you do and dang if you don't" kind of person. No matter what she does she's going to be criticized it seems. We're talking about a lady who campaigned for governor of Alaska in snowboots and a warm jacket. Not Macy's Department store clothes. If she hadn't of worn the clothes the RNC gave her and instead wore whatever she had Palin would be criticized for not looking "vice presidential" enough.

The two main points are the media and Democrats are attacking Palin unfairly, unjustly, and possibly in a sexist way and also is Palin's wardrobe front page newsworthy of The New York Times? Maybe there would be mention of this "newstory" somewhere in The New York Times but not on front page one. Not as Senator Obama and Senator Biden seem to make gaff after gaffe, not as we have the economic times that we're having now, not as ACORN threatens our voting system,not as there are many investigative stories that could be done on all four candidates. I've obviously not graduated with a journalism degree but I believe I have learned enough to say that Palin's wardrobe is not newsworthy of the "prestigious" New York Times.

Obama is the anti-christ??????

Thursday night I was sitting in my room about to settle down and catch up on a little Grey's Anatomy I have not been able to watch lately (so unlike me; this election has made the whole world crazy), and my friend came charging in through the door in tears due to a YouTube video her room mate had just shown her. The video was a ten minute feature on Obama: Obama as the AntiChrist.
My immediate reaction was to laugh because the whole thing sounded so outrageous, and I couldn't believe she actually believed it. It took awhile for her to be able to express in words what the video actually said, but watching her shed genuine tears out of the fear that this video had caused her made me realize she was definitely not kidding.
Apparently Barack Obama has now been accused of personifying the Anti-Christ, the one predicted by Revelations to bring with him false hope of peace and eventually the end of the world. While I am a steadfast believer in the phrase "anything is possible," I think this one might be stretching it a little bit.
But, her reaction to the video did encourage me to research a bit on YouTube just to see what other stories were being leaked across the internet, and therefore leaked across the world, and I found many videos accusing Obama of being a racist due to his close relationship with Preacher Jeremiah Wright, who has been recorded harshly reprimanding the white people of our country and encouraging other African Americans to do the same.
I can't hide my feelings after watching that video; I was pretty shocked Obama would be promoting such a relationship with a man who seems to be quite patriotic about his feelings toward the white race in the United States. Perhaps Preacher Wright was just being portrayed in a "bad light," but candidates in this election can't afford to suffer such associations that might stir in others negativity towards that candidate due to the company he keeps.
With the election drawing closer, it seems more and more skeletons have begun dancing out of both candidates' closets to a tune that might not be so entertaining if you were the owner of the closet. But, for the rest of us, we're never allowed to suffer a dull moment.

clouds of doubt

In a Wall Street Journal article entitled “The Tax Plans Still Works,” Karl Rove states that, “Mr. McCain has only one hope: to drive home doubts about Mr. Obama based on his record, and share as much as he can about his own values and vision to reassure voters.” With little more than a week left before the election, McCain better act fast. Rove’s comment makes me wonder what makes people vote a certain way. Do American citizens vote based on doubts they may have about one candidate or rather trust they have in the other?

More and more I feel as though it’s moreso doubts than reassurances that the American public votes on. The other day I was talking to my mom about the election, asking who she was planning on voting for. She started out her response with, “Well I’m not crazy about either of them…” and then listed her fears for America if Obama were to be elected on November 4th. On the other hand, many people who are planning on voting for Obama have said that they made their decision because “we don’t need another 4 years of Bush.” Of course not all voters vote based on doubts—there are some that are genuinely informed of their candidate and support what he has put on his platform--however, I do feel like the majority of voters lack full confidence in their candidate of choice and rather are voting for them based for fears of what may happen if the other candidate were elected.

I feel as though this fear is a result of the vulnerable position our nation is in right now. There’s fear for the future of our nation and therefore, naturally, there’s fear for who the next president of the United States will be, and what actions he will take or not take. It's harder to put our full faith in one man, and much easier to point out the flaws and doubts of another.

My catharsis of this Presidential campaign

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! What more do people need to see than Senator Barack Obama saying that he wants to "spread the wealth around" and that he has no regrets in saying that he wants to spread the wealth around. This is why in high school and college we need to spend more time on U. S. Government classes than we do Algebra and Trigonometry. People don't even realize or seem to care that we are a democracy NOT a socialist country.

It saddens me and I pray for this country everyday for its livelihood. I don't think it's the end of the world when someone is running for an office and they disagree. But I do think it's a tragedy when someone is running for office and they don't even seem to adhere to the foundation and bedrock of what our country is founded on; democracy, a republic, and a capitalistic society.

Has anyone else found it a bit odd that everytime a radical or problem comes to fruition it is always an association with Senator Obama. Let me just name a FEW. Acorn, Bill Ayers (a terrorist), Jeremiah Wright, the "spread the wealth around", the controversy of whether he voted to kill babies outside the womb, and many many more. Not once has Senator McCain been tied in this campaign to any odd or possible extreme associations. Governor Palin has also not seem to have any baggage or radical ties. The weakest attempt is Trooper Gate and only that. Maybe Senator Obama is not directly tied to every association or may not be guilty of every problem that has risen during the campaign something seems fishy. For a man that seems to continue to have friends and associations that have to be explained away Americans might want to take another look for themselves; we've seen the media isn't going to expose any wrong doings or radical ties (at least not on the Democratic side).

The argument has been made if we look really hard in any person's past life we could find someone that we might not be proud of. Apparently that's not true because to my knowledge I haven't heard from one person that anyone has found a person with an extreme view or hatred of America that has been in Senator McCain's past or Governor Palin. And I think we can all agree, liberal or conservative, the news media would have definitely found and exposed any radical ties that the Republican ticket had if they had any.

News media please do your job for once. And Americans be vigilant and think long and hard about the issues and the character of the men and woman running in this Presidential race.

Guess who was the highes paid indiv. in McCain's campaign this month?

Obama has moved into a 7 to 8 point lead over McCain as of today, according to the Gallup tracking poll. Palin said tonight that he shouldn't be celebrating just yet. But in my opinion, I'd be slightly head-strong right now too.

I don't know if It's just me, but I feel as if there is less hype over the election this week as there has been in the previous weeks. I don't notice the lawn signs quite as much anymore and I only see campaigning on bumper stickers. But I think people forget bumper stickers because I seriously still see Bill Cliton stickers on the rear windsheild of cars. This might be partially because people know who they are voting for and have given up on trying to convince people to change their opinion. Come on people! Let's still campaign! We have 9 more days til election. As cliche as this sounds, every vote counts! Previously, it has been a competition in my neighbors' yards to see who could have more McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden signs. It's as if the election has happened already and people are done expressing their political opinions. This is our president we are fighting over. Don't give up yet!

Anything can happen this next week. I am so looking forward to the election.

So I was reading the NY TIMES the other day and I stumbled across something that made me laugh for quite a while. Guess who was the highest paid individual in John McCain's presidential campaign the month of October? Can you guess it?
.... Amy Strozzi. You're telling me you don't know who that is?!? I'll give you a hint. It's Palin's travelling makeup artist. Wow... what good ways of spending money!

Poor Joe

Poor Joe the plumber.  All he did was ask a question and now his whole life is being investigated.  The media should have handled this differently.  How do you think these investigations in his tax records, will make the rest of American public feel?  Wouldn’t it make people shy away from asking questions and publicly being interested?  It sure doesn’t make me want to ask a question in fear of being investigated, hacked, lied to, attacked, etc.

 John McCain asked, “We saw this morning where they've accessed into his — into his background. Remarkable. Does that mean Americans can't ask tough questions? Americans have the right to ask whatever they want to ask of our politicians who seek their support."

Palin's Wardrobe...Seriously?

Seriously?  We are now talking about the wardrobe of Sarah Palin?  Who cares?  So what if the RNC spent $150,000 on her clothes.  Yes, the money of the RNC could have been spent on something else, especially during this financial crisis and such, but there really is no point in fixating on this.  Nothing will be solved, and it shouldn’t in any way have an effect on the election.

"I'm back to wearing my own clothes from my favorite consignment shop in Anchorage, Alaska," she noted.

These clothes are just like the staging, lighting, etc.  Clothes don’t make someone a good or bad candidate.  It doesn’t change their role, platforms, or personality.  So let’s just give that one a rest.

Visual Hybridity

Apparently not everyone gets or agrees with the social construction of race. There are still people who are shocked when they find out that there's no biological basis for our racial categories whatsoever. These interesting photographs illustrate how we construct the race of people of blended heritage. All via Sociological Images.

First, the image on the right is of little Barack Obama with his grandfather (Stanley Dunham) who looks remarkably like the picture on the left of the adult Obama (although the picture looks slightly stretched to me).
Obama, to my eye, is the spitting image of his grandfather. Yet, we see Obama and Dunham as separate races, members of two categories we see as diametrically opposed, even biologically distinct. <rest>

Then this photo project makes us question how we assign racial or ethnic categories by providing faces that are difficult to categorize.
This project consists of a series of 16 color portraits of people of mixed ethnic origin in front of primary color backgrounds. The images challenge the concept of race by highlighting the disparity between the stark natural boundaries between the primary colors, and the ambiguous and artificial, yet commonly accepted boundaries between the different races. This project asks the viewer to question the existence of race in nature.

The aim of the portraits is to strip our idea of race down to its elements. It is in this nakedness that the viewer watches the races literally dissolve in front of their face like so many moth-eaten clothes. The tone is neither confrontational nor ironic, but rather unassuming in its directness

Finally, this story of fraternal twins - one "white" and one "black". Well, actually both are of mixed race, as are their parents. Over at SI, she uses this example "to illustrate how skin color (which is real) is translated into categorical racial categories (which are not)."

Anchorage Daily News supports.....Obama

On the USA Today website, the Politics page says that the Anchorage Daily News editorial board has endorsed Obama/Biden rather than McCain/Palin. The Anchorage Daily News said that "Palin's rise captivates us but the nation needs a steady hand." They say that many of the people who have worked with Palin do not think that she is ready to take on the role of the vice president or possibly the presidency.

It is troubling that the Anchorage Daily News, such a prominent voice in Alaska, would not put their support behind McCain/Palin when Palin is the governor of their state. With endorsements from such prominent sources like Colin Powell and the Anchorage Daily News, it is not surprising that Obama is leading in the polls.

The McCain/Palin campaign has a lot of work to do if they are going to win this election. The Anchorage Daily News says that John McCain is not the right person for the presidency in this critical time. These endorsements make me question who really is ready to be the next president. It is hard for us to actually know the candidates so when someone close to them, like the Anchorage Daily News, doesn't support them, then maybe they really aren't the right choice. I guess we will see what America really thinks in about 10 days.....

Oh Lord. . .

So, continuing from my last blog, I just went to check the actual numbers and see where, today, McCain stands against Obama. With McCain now needing a whopping 270 electoral votes to win against Obama, I guess I can see why he's starting to spaz out a little. It looks like rough times ahead for the McCain/Palin ticket.

Defensive, are we?

The news headlines popping up with increasing frequency lately is seemingly all about McCain/Palin's growing frustration with their treatment in the media, and their reactions to that. "Palin is going rogue", "Palin is 'annoyed and offended' by Katie Couric", "McCain getting 'very competitive in key states", and so on and so forth. All of this scrambling seems to me that McCain is letting the media start to severely worry him about his campaign, which severely worries ME. In my opinion, the more he lets them start to get to him and get inside his head, the wider the gap between he and a presidential win gets. I'm getting worried.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Campaign Advertisments

Just one week from the election the campaign advertisments will reach a high. Each campaign will be pinpointing different weak points to convince the American people. McCain tactics seem to impose that Obama does not have the ability to withstand in an international criss that "will occur." While Obama attacks McCain for being like President Bush because he has voted with the president 90% of the time. Which accusaiton is more convincing? In my opinion, I believe that Senator McCain's commerical is a bit melodramatic to imply that there in fact will be an international crisis and the only resolution is to elect McCain. I implys a lot of arrogance for me personally.

A New Democratic Team

It seems as though everything changes with time. Bitter rivals during Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton have banned together for the last couple of days of before elections. Despite the fact that during the primary elections, Clinton raised questions concerning Obama’s lack of experience and qualifications. They will be appearing together in Orlando, Florida this Wednesday. Obama is expected to gain a boost in media attention due to this event. Clinton and Obama campaigning together during the end of the election is said to symbolize the democratic torch being passed from generation to another. The only time the two men have made a public appearance together was during September 11. Clinton has agreed to do whatever Obama asks of him. Clinton stated on behalf of Senator Obama, "I predict that Senator Obama will win and win handily.”

More Important Things to Focus On...

Information was pulled from recent financial disclosures stating the Republican National Committee has spent an estimated $150,000 on wardrobe and accessories for Sarah Palin and family. This amount was estimated once John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. The costs include clothes and accessories from stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus and various hair and makeup stores. It was announced on that around $50,000 was spent at Saks Fifth Avenue, $5,000 was spent on makeup accessories and hair items, and, last but not least, $75,000 was spent at Neiman Marcus.
After this information was released and the public got wind of the extravagant wardrobe purchases, Palin announced that they will not keep their clothes once the campaign is over; everything will go toward a charitable purpose once the campaign is over. Tracy Schmitt, the spokesperson for McCain and Palin, stated on behalf of the financial disclosures, “With all of the important issues facing the country right now, it’s remarkable that we’re spending time talking about pantsuits and blouses. It was always the intent that the clothing go to a charitable purpose after the campaign.”

Vote Palin in 2012?

Many news web sites have already started discussion about Gov. Sarah Palin running for president in 2012. In my opinion, this is a little too early to start think kind of talk.
People have been leaving comments on sites like saying that she has already given up on Sen. John McCain by questioning the campaign’s tactic to pull out of Michigan and over what the campaign chooses to talk about against Sen. Barack Obama. also put out an article saying that she could become a new face for the Republican party as she could make up for what the party lacks with a far-right candidate with great celebrity status.
I feel that this is a little too early to predict. With that, I think it is kind of hypocritical since many have said that Obama started planning his presidency as soon as he got to Washington. Palin is really just starting to get her first taste of Washington. I just don’t Palin should shoot for the big seat right now.

And the Acorn Falls

You know the feeling when you are innocently walking along, and then BAM, a presumptuous little acorn smacks you right on your forehead?  Well, forget the small tree acorns, I'm referring to the organization ACORN, or the Association of Community Organizations for Reform, which has just pummeled the John McCain campaign.   
The controversy surrounding ACORN is their continuing "help" to register voters.  ACORN representations have stated that despite their numerous allegations, it's not the organization itself that is encouraging voter fraud, but it just so happens that it's ACORN members that have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar, so to speak.  

Meanwhile, ACORN's many violations for voter fraud has got the McCain campaign scrambling to squash the troublesome organization.  

ACORN works within the mainstream of politics, but there is a clear lean towards the left side. 
Founded in 1970, ACORN's true purpose, as stated on it's home website, is to "win power for low and moderate families."  Their goal may be in the right place, but their methods certainly aren't.   ACORN's phony voter registrations will undoubtedly have an effect on the election.  Again it just so happens that ACORN's false voter slips have all been registered as Democrats, and Obama has a past affiliation with ACORN.  

Quite literally it will be like an acorn falling and causing a painful knot to swell on the top of the McCain campaign's head.  Unexpected, but effective.  

Focus on the Issues People!!

Are there times when a candidate buries their head in shame at some of the off the wall tributes and endorsements they are given? This is the question I found myself asking while I watched the famous 90s rap duo, Salt and Peppa, on BET’s Hip Hop Awards Thursday night. The group somehow thought it was appropriate to show their support for Barack and Michelle by singing “Whatta Man.” While in its original context I am a fan of the song, I must admit I was a bit off put by the performance. I can’t help but wonder what Senator Obama was thinking. Don’t get me wrong, I love rap and R&B music. I am just not so sure it has a place in a presidential election. The truth is, the election has been filled with many endorsements that have caused me to bury my head in shame or want to hide under a rock.

I can’t blame Obama from distancing himself from rapper Ludacris’s song “Obama is Here.” While it is admirable that the artist has a passion for the political process, it is not admirable to dissent other candidates in such a disrespectful manner. In one minute and 40 seconds alone, Ludacris dissed the age of McCain (“McCain doesn’t belong in any chair unless he is paralyzed”), the mental capacity of George Bush (“Bush is mentally handicap, so ball up all of his speeches and throw ‘em like candy wrap.”), and downgraded Hilary Clinton by using the B-word.

So how should one deal with these types of unwanted endorsements? And how do they affect the voting process? I believe Obama has done an excellent job ignoring the blatant disrespect that has been portrayed against a viable candidate. I hope that informed voters will realize that under the First Amendment, the U.S. Constitution does uphold freedom of speech. It should be remembered that the views of various entertainment moguls do not represent Senator Obama’s views or the views of the Democratic National Party. Hopefully, voters will not be ignorant and keep an open mind towards what really matters in a Presidential election, the issues. Let’s remember to focus on the economic crisis, education, energy, health care and let those inside the field of entertainment stick to entertaining.