Monday, October 27, 2008
Somewhat Unrelated but Interesting Note
Right now I am currently reading American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld, who is also the author of the acclaimed novel Prep. American Wife loosely details the life of one of America's most notorious first women THE current First Woman, Laura Bush. It is very interesting reading Laura Bush's biography and seeing the parallels between the Laura Bush in reality versus the fictional character. However, the most interesting aspect of the novel is the portrayal of "Chas", based on W himself. Up until now, I have viewed George as a very one-dimensional man, an object of my intense dislike and disrespect based on his poor policies and impulsive actions. However, seeing him through the eyes of a talented and insightful writer helps me to look past the public persona and separate him as a person from his as a leader, leading me to conclude that maybe he's not as bad as I thought. I highly recommend the book!
2:03 PM