Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bailout of the Future? Part II

In the words of Marty McFly from the movie Back to the Future, "This is heavy!"

In the blog precursing to this, I addressed the bleak aspect of the economy's fate. But what about "us" as individuals? What about us in the general college bracket of 18-25?

The best advise that I have gotten from my teachers is simple and to the point. Stay in school! With the economy and stock market in a constant state of flux, The best thing for students in college to do in order to insure a financially secure future is to focus on building our qualifications for the job market. Get a degree that will get you somewhere in life. Go further and get a Master's that will push you above the crowd. And by all means, find good, quality internships. I'm not talking about working at McDonalds or Burger King for the summer. I'm talking about something that will strengthen you in your career path. This all may sound redundant but its true.

With financing almost impossible, the homeowning market slowing to a hault, corporations going bankrupt, and a constant increase in cost of living; it is time to hold our ground as individuals to determine our own fate. Think smart. Build a better future. Stay in school!