Thursday, October 23, 2008

Uncovering Media Bias

Sick of media bias? Tired of seeing spin everywhere all the time? Wish you could have a fact checker on every article you read? SpinSpotter, the brainchild of John Atcheson and Todd Herman, is user-friendly software that aims to catch bias in online news articles.

After downloading the software, users are able to flag suspicious phrases and words and offer critiques within six categories—“lack of balance, using the reporter’s point of view, using passive voice, using a biased source, disregarding context and selective disclosure.” Other users can access the comments in order to judge "whether the offense is serious or not." In order to judge for personal bias from the commentators, Journalism graduate students from the University of Missouri examine and rate the reader's comments. Users with the highest "trust rating" are the ones who are most often shown on the article commentary.

With standards set by a journalism panel with members who range from raging liberals to staunch conservatives and supporters such as the firm Epic Ventures, this new company is aiming for success founded on middle ground.