Sunday, October 26, 2008
Being an avid watcher of the Today show I have listened to hosts Kathy Lee and Hoda beg for the election to be over already saying that there aren't too many undecided voters left out there. My sentiments exactly. If you haven't decided who your going to vote for then what have you been doing for the past few months? Unless you were climbing some far away mountain in the middle of no where you must have enough information to decide who you want to vote for. If not... you can either go with the favored team or the underdog much like betting on a football game. No I am not comparing the relevance of one of the most historic and pivotal elections to betting on a football game but you've got to pick a side sometimes and now is as good of time as any. My advice..look at the records, look at the running mate, and decide who you want the face of our nations government to be. McCain and Obama are different in most every aspect of their beliefs and plans to put into action in January. Aside from that here's an idea; with the economy in more pieces than tinker toys and more bad days foreseen, what if we said no to all the superfluous things that come with vying for the Presidency?Elaborate campaigns with TV commercials, huge benefits and all the other campaign things that are just extras need to be downsized considerably. The money that would have been raised for campaigning could go towards the national deficit or any of the other areas that desperately need funds. Now this wont happen because people don't just donate the big money out of the goodness of their hearts they donate with purpose and strategy. That aside..not a bad idea in hindsight...and I guess most ideas in hindsight aren't.
8:51 PM