Sunday, October 19, 2008

Underdog or Too Late?

On many occasions, John McCain has made references to liking being the underdog. However, it may be too late to make claims like that. With McCain trailing in the polls, it would take a 1980 Ronald Reagan like comeback for McCain. As stated in a CNN article by Alexander Mooney, 10 days before the 1980 election, Reagan was behind Jimmy Carter by 8 points but came back to win by 3 percentage points on election day. But signs are not pointing to McCain pulling a Reagan. 

No only are the polls in McCain's favor, the pocketbook isn't in his favor either. With Obama hauling in $150 million in September, it is obvious that he will have McCain beat in advertising dollars. Obama has even purchased a 30-minute time slot to run a 30-minute commercial during prime time on October 29, six days before the election. 

It is obvious that McCain has an up hill battle in this final stretch. Its not going to be easy but it is going to be interesting to watch.