Sunday, October 26, 2008

Anchorage Daily News supports.....Obama

On the USA Today website, the Politics page says that the Anchorage Daily News editorial board has endorsed Obama/Biden rather than McCain/Palin. The Anchorage Daily News said that "Palin's rise captivates us but the nation needs a steady hand." They say that many of the people who have worked with Palin do not think that she is ready to take on the role of the vice president or possibly the presidency.

It is troubling that the Anchorage Daily News, such a prominent voice in Alaska, would not put their support behind McCain/Palin when Palin is the governor of their state. With endorsements from such prominent sources like Colin Powell and the Anchorage Daily News, it is not surprising that Obama is leading in the polls.

The McCain/Palin campaign has a lot of work to do if they are going to win this election. The Anchorage Daily News says that John McCain is not the right person for the presidency in this critical time. These endorsements make me question who really is ready to be the next president. It is hard for us to actually know the candidates so when someone close to them, like the Anchorage Daily News, doesn't support them, then maybe they really aren't the right choice. I guess we will see what America really thinks in about 10 days.....