Monday, October 27, 2008

"Gossip Girl" Supports Obama

“Gossip Girl,” the hottest TV show on CW, has released a Public Service Announcement that promotes a "McCain-Free America." Stars of the show Penn Badgley and Blake Lively display a “Drill Baby Drill McCain-Palin 08” hat, and then tell young voters to talk to their parents before it is too late. The commercial was made in conjunction with “The Partnership for a McCain-Free America” and directed by Doug Liman, the director of “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” and “The Bourne Identity.”

By comically mimicking the drug-free and sex-education ads of '90s TV shows such as “Saved By the Bell,” “Clueless” and “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” Gossip Girl stars are able to present a serious topic in an attention grabbing way. Although I have a difficult time taking this ad seriously, it is a noteworthy action for young celebrities to promote political conversations. Though their opinion may not mean much to you or I, for many young voters this ad maybe the push they need to do research on the candidates and the issues they promote.

Nevertheless, it is rather disappointing when I realize that most of my sorority sisters would rather watch Gossip Girl than one of the Presidential Debates. Our society has gotten to a point where we praise celebrity more than ingenuity or intelligence, which is why we have elevated our politicians to celebrity status. If I could produce my own PSA it would not tell young voters to "vote for Barack Obama before it's too late," but instead it would tell young people to "Read a newspaper. Discuss the issues. Watch the debates."