Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama is the anti-christ??????

Thursday night I was sitting in my room about to settle down and catch up on a little Grey's Anatomy I have not been able to watch lately (so unlike me; this election has made the whole world crazy), and my friend came charging in through the door in tears due to a YouTube video her room mate had just shown her. The video was a ten minute feature on Obama: Obama as the AntiChrist.
My immediate reaction was to laugh because the whole thing sounded so outrageous, and I couldn't believe she actually believed it. It took awhile for her to be able to express in words what the video actually said, but watching her shed genuine tears out of the fear that this video had caused her made me realize she was definitely not kidding.
Apparently Barack Obama has now been accused of personifying the Anti-Christ, the one predicted by Revelations to bring with him false hope of peace and eventually the end of the world. While I am a steadfast believer in the phrase "anything is possible," I think this one might be stretching it a little bit.
But, her reaction to the video did encourage me to research a bit on YouTube just to see what other stories were being leaked across the internet, and therefore leaked across the world, and I found many videos accusing Obama of being a racist due to his close relationship with Preacher Jeremiah Wright, who has been recorded harshly reprimanding the white people of our country and encouraging other African Americans to do the same.
I can't hide my feelings after watching that video; I was pretty shocked Obama would be promoting such a relationship with a man who seems to be quite patriotic about his feelings toward the white race in the United States. Perhaps Preacher Wright was just being portrayed in a "bad light," but candidates in this election can't afford to suffer such associations that might stir in others negativity towards that candidate due to the company he keeps.
With the election drawing closer, it seems more and more skeletons have begun dancing out of both candidates' closets to a tune that might not be so entertaining if you were the owner of the closet. But, for the rest of us, we're never allowed to suffer a dull moment.