Sunday, October 26, 2008

New York Obama Times

I find it hard to believe that I'm writing a blog about Sarah Palin and her attire but here I am writing about it. If all liberals have is to attack Governor Palin and the cost of her outfits maybe there the ones that are in trouble.

The New York Times reported front page that her dresses and accessories cost $150,000. Yes, they did. No, Sarah Palin did NOT buy them. She had no clue how much they cost. The Republican National Committee bought them and gave them to her temporarily. The RNC has the right to spend their money anyway they want to, as does the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Furthermore, Sarah Palin's clothes will be given to charity afterwards.

Sarah Palin is kind of a "dang if you do and dang if you don't" kind of person. No matter what she does she's going to be criticized it seems. We're talking about a lady who campaigned for governor of Alaska in snowboots and a warm jacket. Not Macy's Department store clothes. If she hadn't of worn the clothes the RNC gave her and instead wore whatever she had Palin would be criticized for not looking "vice presidential" enough.

The two main points are the media and Democrats are attacking Palin unfairly, unjustly, and possibly in a sexist way and also is Palin's wardrobe front page newsworthy of The New York Times? Maybe there would be mention of this "newstory" somewhere in The New York Times but not on front page one. Not as Senator Obama and Senator Biden seem to make gaff after gaffe, not as we have the economic times that we're having now, not as ACORN threatens our voting system,not as there are many investigative stories that could be done on all four candidates. I've obviously not graduated with a journalism degree but I believe I have learned enough to say that Palin's wardrobe is not newsworthy of the "prestigious" New York Times.