Thursday, October 30, 2008

One More Surprise.

Word on the street is: the election is over, the results are in, and Obama has won. 

Several articles and polls such as The New York Times survey and The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press  show that Obama is, indeed, ahead in "likely voters." The survey analysts cite that voters' confidence in Obama has grown, while their trust in McCain and Palin has diminished. Journalists have also pointed out that many formerly Republican voters are jumping ship and voting democratic this year.

But I'm not sold yet.

I was out in town today and saw a bumper sticker that I've never seen before. It said, "Democrats for McCain." I never expected to see one, but sure enough, it was there. And as the analysis for the Pew's survey concluded, "Never rule out the unexpected, especially in an election where the unexpected has happened so often."

So, before we are all so convinced that America has already chosen her next president, we should wait until the votes tell us so. So even though the word is that the results are already in, let's slow down a bit. This year's already surprising election may have one more surprise up its sleeve.