Sunday, October 19, 2008
Joe the Plumber
After watching the last two Presidential Debates, I have noticed more differences in senator Obama and senator McCain. McCain’s conservativeness comes out a lot in his speeches and his ideas give the public a more reluctant view on changing the country so much. Obama still continues to wow me with his feelings of change. When Joe, the plumber, asked him on camera about raising taxes, I thought that was a huge moment for Obama’s reaction. That is one thing that a lot of citizens are concerned with considering the recent economy. I don’t think that raising taxes are going to help our economy at all, it almost sounds like a socialist strategy to get everyone on the same page. Our country doesn’t work like that; some people have more money because they honestly work harder for it. And if people are having a hard enough paying their bills right now, how is paying more taxes going to help? Even though theses recent issues have raised questions for Obama, he still remains to be voted at the top of the charts, he is clearly the more “popular” candidate and will win based on that. I think it is so important for all citizens to be aware of every aspect that the candidates believe in and make an educated decision on who they are voting for. How are we going to educate this country?
9:54 PM