I think it's great that Sarah Palin will host SNL this Saturday night. After all of the blows and criticism she receives, she is still hanging in there. She wants to reach out to the public. Palin said, "But you know, I just want to be there to show Americans that we will rise above the political shots that we take because we're in this serious business for serious challenges that are facing the good American people right now."
"It always helps to laugh at yourself, to have a little fun with yourself," FOX News analyst Susan Estrich, a former Democratic strategist, said. "But I think at this stage of the campaign, it's Obama vs. McCain, not Palin vs. Biden." It helps to laugh at yourself sometimes and let people know you are real. It lets people know that she can survive the wave of criticism and attacks, even from SNL. Palin wants to make sure people know the election is not over just because the GOP ticket is trailing in the election polls. Way to persevere!