Sunday, October 19, 2008
As the campaign for the next president continues the only focus on the campus of the University of Mississippi was Bid Day. There were girls running, balloons flying, songs being sung, a few tears, some from sadness, some from joy, screaming, dancing, and just plain over all chaos. While our world is changing around us and the economy is at its worst girls at Ole Miss were pulling out all the bells and whistles for rush. Over the past week I have heard nothing about the stock markets rise and fall, the price of gas, finances, or the rel estate market. Instead I have heard about dresses, shoes, high school GPA's, and hometowns. This five day event consumes our life and will forever be a part of the culture of the University of Mississippi. Presidents will come and go but this crazy thing called Rush will forever exist. I know this blog is a slanted view, for the past week it has been my only view. I am now back in the real world and will hopefully have something more productive to say this week.
7:43 PM