Friday, October 17, 2008

A Big Deal Close to Home

For so long we've been focused on the presidential election, but there's a big election happening in our state on November 4th as well. Former Gov. Ronnie Musgrove is running for Senator. His win would show the nation that Mississippi isn't as much of a Republican stronghold as thought. Mississippi hasn't elected a Democratic Senator since 1947, but an article in today's NYTimes points out that The Democratic National Party has been spending a ton of money (~$3million) in our state campaigning for Musgrove. The article claims that Musgrove's dilemma is winning white voters, who typically don't vote Democrat, and keeping black voters, who he wouldn't have support from "if it weren't for Obama." White voters who aren't voting for Musgrove should look at his record---he's conservative: anti-abortion and pro-gun. What whites do remember has, though, is the governor who supported ridding the Mississippi flag of its Confederate emblem. Roger Wicker is making sure voters remember the flag issue.