Sunday, October 19, 2008
Ed the Dairy Man
It was reported on that Palin attacked Barrack Obama’s tax plan in Roswell, New Mexico earlier this week. She accused his tax plan of being “socialist” and even threw in some of her infamous “everyman” adjectives. She used her favorite “everyman”- Joe the plumber (Joe Wurzelbacher) and introduced another one this time- Ed the Dairy man. Sarah Palin’s one liners are becoming more and more popular every time she uses them. Her one liners are always emphasized on shows like Saturday Night Live (which she appeared on last night) and any other comedic spin on conservative politics. Palin was said to have used her harshest language when speaking of Obama’s "socailist" tax plan.While referring to his tax plan Palin used phrases such as “dole out” and “redistribution of wealth”. As long as Palin is getting her point across, I am okay with that- no matter the phrases she may use.
7:28 PM