Sunday, October 19, 2008
Senator John McCain has claimed inexperience as a major flaw of Senator Barack Obama's. He says that Obama "just doesn't get it" due to a lack of question is, might McCain be right? Does a man who is two years younger that my grandmother have a better life perspective than a man who is her son, my father's age? Probably. Why? Because she's not only seen it before, she's lived it. Ask my grandparents about an economic depression..they can tell you that the way Americans are living now, isn't how they lived during the great depression, and if this is already an economic depression, Americans need to put away their credit cards and start living sparingly. This coming from the people that reuse Ziploc bags. Not because they have to, they just think its wasteful not to. Now there is a point where age brings less wisdom and more confusion but looking at McCain's mother he's not on track for that for at least 20 more years.
7:38 PM