Thursday, October 16, 2008

Manipulation of Words

The New Yorker article "Verbage: The Republican war on words" by James Wood, focuses on the manipulation of words by all presidential and vice presidential candidates this campaign season.

Woods says that Republicans have always used "hate words" to describe Democrats such as "liberal" or "Gore," but this election, the hate word is "words" themselves. Woods explains that the Republicans are attacking Obama on his elegant rhetoric and using it against him by saying that he is all talk and no action. A Republican even said about Obama, "he is just an elitist who worked with words."

Woods points out that the use of words manipulates, corrupts, confuses, lies, and attacks.

This election seems to be more about advertising "words" than taking action to actually change America. The candidates campaign slogans are merely words used to sell the candidate. Obama with "Change You Can Believe In" and McCain with "The Original Maverick" use slogans that sell the candidates like they are merchandise.

During the debates, the main way for one candidate to refute the other was to manipulate their use of words. It is hard for citizens to keep up with all of the words being thrown around. Like Woods said, the use of words can confuse, corrupt, and lie.

It is time for the candidates to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. It is time for a change...a change in the way that political advertising is presented and the way that words are manipulated. It is time for the straight truth.