Sunday, October 19, 2008
Why is it that all these people are still allowed to register to vote multiple times? It seems like something as important as electing officials should be one of the most protected and secured rights we have. That fact that year after year this same problem occurs is troublesome. I think we should have to prove without a doubt who we are and if in fact we are allowed to be registered to vote. There is no "checks and balances" system in place if people are allowed to register multiple times to vote. I mean if someone registers for a credit card, maxes it out, then tries to get another card from the same company, that company knows it. So shouldn't our government be able to do the same thing? Is it too much to ask that we start enforcing our own laws? Who in their right mind would allow someone to vote for President of The United States if that person can't prove who they are or if they should be allowed to legally vote in the first place? Groups like ACORN who continually break the rules by registering these people should be held accountable and put out of business just like any other fraudulent company.
5:14 PM