Sunday, October 19, 2008

Who Will Be the President We Need?

Sunday morning, the 19th of October, 2008, may not be one of those days that people remember for the rest of their lives, but it will be a day I will not soon forget. Colin Powell, former Secretary of State under George W. Bush and a member of the Republican Party, has broken ranks and given Barack Obama his endorsement.

I have always suspected that Powell was disillusioned with the Republican Party. I have not heard him say it personally but I truly believe he was angry at how Cheney and Rumsfeld dominated cabinet meetings. Powell was present at meetings but did not have the influence wielded by the other two. His leadership was much needed during this presidency but he was shut out. He didn't agree with how the war in Iraq was carried out ( at least parts of the war, such as initial troop strength). He was the smartest man in Bush's cabinet and, in my opinion, was taken advantage of in many ways.

Even though I had all of this in the back of my mind, I still couldn't have predicted that he would both endorse Obama and strongly criticize the Republicans during the same interview. He is a military man and knows how to walk the party line. This time he has chosen to break ranks.

The fact that Powell is a Republican is not what surprises me about his choice. What shocks me the most is that Powell is from a military background. He is a former National Security Advisor and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the latter position being held during the Gulf War). He knows what it takes to be a leader both on and off the battlefield. His decision to overlook the military background of McCain and endorse Obama, who has no military experience, is more than a bit surprising.

I want everyone who has not seen the interview to at least take a look at it. Pay close attention to one of his closing remarks. He says that both candidates would make a good president. The important part is where he talks about which candidate the country NEEDS. He believes Obama is that candidate. I think these remarks will resonate well with many Americans, because people like myself trust the judgement of Powell. I don't know if this will be the deathblow for the McCain campaign, but the end cannot be far away at this point.