Sunday, October 19, 2008
My Weekend Update
The last Presidential debate at Hofstra was basically more of the same rhetoric. Nothing in particular was memorable. I watched Saturday night live this weekend and Gov. Palin made an appearence. I thought she was a good sport for the most part, but they destroyed her satirically. I guess she went on to show that she is a tough cookie, that sounds like something she might say. Ultra-left actor and activist Alec Baldwin teamed up with his castmate from 30 Rock to make fun of Palin's hokie accent and way of life. My favorite part of the show was when Palin went on weekend update and Amy Pohler rapped about shooting moose and drilling for oil. Palin just sat their and danced while Pohler ripped into her. Overall Palin was not funny, but I respect her bravery for participating in such an obviously open-minded show.
7:11 PM