Sunday, October 19, 2008
So the last debate was this week. Did I watch it? Nope. Did I miss anything?Not that I can think of. You see I watched the first two, not expecting a fireworks but at least a sparkler or two might have been nice. A Bic lighter might have been the level of pyrotechnics contained in the first two debates. In an election where youTube, the Internet in general, and blogs are clogging the arteries to voters everywhere there was no real surprise in the debates. Every major issue and each candidates respective views on that issue is posted on their websites and each slip up and politically incorrect move is extensively apologized for within the first 24 hours that the story is leaked so what is there to gain by watching the debates? Well there would be a lot to gain if the candidates weren't scared to actually debate with each other and not repeat their party mantras. Not that it will ever happen because they are too scared to vary from their scripts and say what they really believe because if they say this they will alienate these voters and if they say that they will make these voters mad. So until this changes re-runs of I Love Lucy will replace debates for me.
7:24 PM