Saturday, October 18, 2008

"Out of the Mouth of Babes"

On CNN's website recently there was an iReport video that interviewed a kindergarten class in order to find out where some of the youngest citizens of this country stand in the upcoming election. The students were given two pictures: one of McCain and one for Obama. They were asked to look at the two pictures and then decide which candidate they liked better and why. The responses were innocent and genuine; what's even more interesting is the fact that these five year olds actually seem to share the same approach to voting as many adult Americans who are extremely uninformed when concerning politics.
Their support of Obama consisted of reasons such as, "I like his skin," "He's cute," and "He's young." McCain was supported by statements from the class such as, "He looks nice,"and "I like his suit." One young lady in the class revealed the influence parents still have over their children by reporting very advanced political thoughts for a five year old. She said that "Republicans are all about money," and she also wishes that Obama could be the Vice President and Hilary Clinton could be the President (she is proudly stating this idea while wearing a Hilary Clinton t-shirt). The class was perfectly split down the middle, fifty percent Obama and fifty percent McCain.
When asked what issues they were facing in their lives right now, many referred to annoying siblings and people in their class who were loud or mean. They were also asked what they thought the job of the President of the United States was and many agreed it involved giving money and food to the people and keeping them safe.
It's so ironic that these five year olds reflect the same ideas and voting mechanisms as many of our adult citizens in this country. It basically shows that due to the United States' usual lack of involvement and interest in politics, a five year old could vote just as well as a thirty year old and perhaps for the same reasons.
While I do believe America is turning the tables on this subject and more people than ever are becoming interested and involved in the present Presidential election, I would love to see this upswing continue, and keep going up.