Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Debate in Review

To be honest, the final debate was mostly a toss up. Depending on who you supported, obviously that was the candidate who won. The line that doesn't seem to end is that "The real winner was Joe the Plumber." Now, the actual Joe they were talking about, had the news right at his door step the very next day. Poor Joe. And No, He wasn't metaphorical, though McCain couldn't stop talking about him and after awhile he certainly seemed imaginary.

McCain did get his best line of the night in when he said, "Senator Obama, I am not President Bush. If you wanted to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago." This would have been great for his entire campaign if he had brought it up sooner... In other words, it was "too little, too late" for McCain on this issue now.

Obama constantly turned McCain's attacks against him when talking about the middle class and the problems that they face. John McCain seemed to try the opposite, and attack Obama every chance he could get, without trying to explain his own positions.

Obama also resisted taking any bait from McCain to discuss whether Palin is qualified to be president or not. A very classy move by Obama to stay on the issues.

McCain lost millions of women voters with his responses on Roe v. Wade. First he said he wouldn't impose a litmus test on judicial appointments, then he changed and described his test in detail and at the end, said that anyone who didn't agree with his dissenting ideology would, by definition, be unqualified.

Overall, I definitely lean towards Obama as the winner though it still seems too vague to declare a real winner. We'll leave that decision to Joe!