Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Palin effect

Sarah Palin is ALL over the news, so much in fact, that it seems like she is the one that is running for President. She has been scrutinized for her policies in Alaska, her experience level, and even for her hair and makeup. The media is trying to make Palin out to be something she is not- and that is ill prepared for the job. I believe what it really comes down to, is that she is a woman. If we were really running this race on experience, shouldn't Hillary Clinton be the one on the ballot on November 4th? Afterall, she did pull in a record breaking 18 million votes during the primaries. Absolutely she should be. BUT, whether we can admit it or not, this country still see's a woman as uniformed on politics, afterall politics is a mans job, right? Yes, we can talk all that we want about Barack Obama and that fact that he is black, and how amazing it is that he has broken the stereotype, and blah blah blah, BUT, what we really forget is that is was WOMEN who were the last people in this country to be given the right to vote. Black men were given the right to vote with the 15th Amendment in 1870, and it was not until 1920 with the 19th Amendment that women were finally given the right to vote. So, I sk you, where does the prejudice REALLY stand in The United States of America?? With Barack Obama, a black man with 2 years of political experience, or with the strong willed woman who has been Governor of Alaska??