Sunday, October 5, 2008

Media Overload

Everyone was surprised with Palin’s interview with Katie Couric, but perhaps she was just having a bad day.  We all have bad days, right?  I’ve heard a theory that she may have been over prepared.  It was like she new the answers, but she had too much to say and didn’t know where to put the period on her sentences.  The media tore her apart and has been doing so for a while.  She claims she was only annoyed with the mainstream media and the way they take things out of context, and she apologizes for that.  Friday morning Palin had her first and only interview with Fox News’s Carl Cameron since the veep debate. She did very well, and she seemed to have known her facts this time.

Palin said, “Honestly, the Sarah Palin in those interviews (with Couric) was a little bit annoyed, because it’s like, ‘Many, no matter what you say, you’re going to get clobbered. If you choose to answer a question, you’re going to get clobbered on the answer. If you choose to try to pivot and go on to another subject that Americans want to hear about, you get clobbered for that too.”

"I just want to talk to Americans without the filter, and let them know what we stand for."

Well, no matter how well she did in the debate or in recent interviews, or how well she continues to do, a republican told me something interesting the other day.  “If you are a McCain fan, you might as well go ahead and get a big chocolate Hershey bar to chew on after Election Day.”

Here's a video of a clip of her interview with Fox: