Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Reasons Three and the Future After

So in a recent New York Times article 'Three Trends and a Train Wreck' by TYLER COWEN, three basic elements to the stock

He first goes on to state that "The crisis is global in nature and its causes are more general and less country-specific than is commonly reflected in the political discourse of any single nation. Many countries — not just the United States — came to have fundamentally unsound banking systems. If Japan remains an exception, it is only because it already suffered through similar problems in the 1990s."

The effects are global and just about everyone is suffering. In the article he gives the 3 underlyng resons. His first trend is cited as a positive one: an enormous growth in wealth that needed to be moved into investments. Of course, the trouble is whether that wealth has been invested in an effective and prudent way. This leads to the second trend, the greater willingness of both individuals and financial institutions to take on risk. The third component has been weak governance and oversight, including inadequate control and monitoring. In the end, the government's and the market's fail!

So what does this mean for us? Stay in school!!! The world just got alot scarier. Actually, in light of all that has happened I have taken a much more specific interest in my own future. From what classes I have to take to graduate, to what I have to do and where to go for graduate school. I've taken a long hard look at exactly what I have to do in the five years after I've finished all of my schooling. I hope the effects of this current crisis have done the same for my fellow classmates, because the day is coming!