Let's face it, the vice presidential debate has never been so anxiously awaited nor received with such zeal. VP's aren't usually the "meat" of election time, but this year is an exception. For Palin, there's no blurry line. You either hate her or love' her. Senator Joe Biden on the otherhand is a man well-liked across the spectrum, but not necessarily someone people will follow. When those two stepped on the stage, sparks were bound to fly. The debate was lively, exciting, and both candidates had their golden moments.
Obviously, Palin had a great deal to prove. With the Katie Couric interviews that went awry , and the criticism directed at her as of late, the debate certainly was a test. She had to deliver, and prove that she could handle the vice presidency. I think most would agree, that deliver she did. She was normal speaking, better than expected, and added in a few "darnitts" here and there for amusement. At first I was hesitant about McCain's unexpected choice in running mate, but she's grown on me. With her "say it ain't so Joe" comments, and well overall performance that left the impression of unmistakable Sarah Palin personality...it's hard to disagree that she didn't do her job to succeed expectations set for her.
Of course Senator Biden didn't do a bad job. He was astute, and answered his questions thoroughly as any long-time senator would. Biden defended Obama as he was supposed to, and there was no doubt that he had experience under his belt; however, the eye of the world was directed at Palin. Suspense and hype about Palin amounted leading up to the vice presidential debate, and questions about her qualifications continued to pop up. She clearly was nervous at the beginning of the debate, but soon warmed up to the moderator and regained that usual confidence that she possesses.
Overall, the vice presidential debate was twice as entertaining as the first presidential debate. Though it may just be the second in commands debating, the vice president is only a hop and a skip away from being President of the United States.